Our Philosophy

Founded by our CEO Richard Bradley in 2005, acceptcards® was established to provide all UK businesses with access to the best terms and solutions from the UK’s merchant services providers.

Our approach has always been simple, we listen to what the customer wants, and we recommend what’s best for them. Sometimes that could be to recommend staying with the existing provider and reviewing again later on.

Our Charity Commitment

We have always been proud to support good causes be that directly by raising funds ourselves or by supporting our partners in their CSR commitments. We also provide the opportunity for our team members to volunteer for organisations that benefit our local communities.

In 2020 we took this one step further as we started on a journey that would see us create our social enterprise organisation (CIC) in collaboration with the Charity Retail Association.

For more details head over to the website of our sister organisation The Charity Shop Gift Card

Meet the team


Kelly Wightman, Sue Thomas, Jenny Barraclough, Jason Costello, Richard Bradley, Richard West, Sheenah
Bond, David Mills, Vickie Gill, Sue Mackrill, Chris Fairbanks, Michelle Knapton, Jo Kava.